
Now that I have started to get more entries I have decided to start trying to make an award to suit each person.

  1. I'll only accept .gif, .jpg, or .png format.
  2. Name the blend bh-ch#-name.jpg/gif/png.
  3. Brushes, text, and other effects are encouraged.
  4. Please nothing larger than 1024x728.
  5. Don't submit someone else's work, nobody likes a thief.
  6. At least use two images provided, otherwise it's not a blend.
  7. Don't use any other pictures unless otherwise notes.
  8. Upload to your own server or something like photobucket.
  9. You may enter other challenges but you won't win just because you participated in everything.
  10. Have fun, be creative, and don't get upset if you don't win anything, there's always next time.
